Dedicated to authentic Montessori education, the administration and staff at Lion of Judah Montessori
are highly trained, talented, and love working with children. We believe that great teachers are our best asset.
Head of School
Assistant Head of School
Admissions Director
Middle School Lead Guide
Elementary Lead Guide
Primary Lead Guide
Toddler Lead Guide
Infant Lead Guide
This is an alternate layout for staff bios. Each staff member has their own row. If there isn't a lot of bio information, the gallery layout above would work better. Duis ut lacus molestie, lacinia dolor et, varius nunc. Vestibulum at lacus non mauris fermentum eleifend. Nunc consectetur lobortis ligula sed sagittis. Vestibulum porttitor diam et quam hendrerit dapibus. Nullam at risus sed elit condimentum tincidunt. Nam dapibus, purus eu rhoncus laoreet, orci orci pellentesque nulla, ut efficitur nisl libero ac lacus. Aenean pulvinar vel augue non posuere. Duis fermentum ipsum sed mollis pretium. Morbi tempor commodo felis a sodales. Nam hendrerit scelerisque mattis. Duis bibendum dui ut volutpat accumsan. Proin ut egestas enim.